Before Java 5, Wrapper classes like Integer, Float, Boolean, etc were ...
In Java if you want to check that two objects are meaningfully equal, then you need to ...
An immmutable class is a class whose state can not be changed once its instance ...
Checked Exceptions are Exceptions which must be caught in the code using catch ...
Sometimes we want to process various kinds of Exceptions
in the same way, ...
Java try-with-resources was introduced with Java 7. Using try-with-resources, you can get rid ...
You can measure elapsed time or check time taken by method in Java by using System currentTimeMillis()
Enums help in reducing defects by restricting the type of value a variable can...
Annotations were introduced in Java 1.5 version. They are used to provide metadata for a field ...
There are various ways of iterating over a Map type in Java. We will use HashMap to show ...
There are various ways of removing an item from a Map type in Java. We will use HashMap to show various way...
There are various ways of removing an item from a ArrayList type in Java as...
You can sort an ArrayList using Collections sort() by either implementating a Comparable...
There are various ways of converting Array to List such using Arrays asList()...
When multiple threads access an object and try to read the object or modify its state...
You can achieve thread synchronization in Java using synchronized keyword...
When you need more then one Thread to process multiple tasks in Java, you typically create...
ThreadLocal class contains threead-local variables that are associated with only one Thread...
Java Callable and FutureTask example...
A CountdownLatch allows one or more threads to wait for a set of events to occur...
A CyclicBarrier allows one or more threads to wait so that they can reach a common point...
Singleton Design Pattern is a software design pattern that makes ...
Builder Design Pattern is a creational design pattern which separates the construction...
Prototype Design Pattern is a creational design pattern and should be used ...
Factory Design Pattern is a creational pattern that uses factory methods...
Prototype Design Pattern is a creational design pattern and should be used ...